Tips to dealing with Apathy : by Dr. De Leon

Tips to dealing with Apathy : by Dr. De Leon.

Tips to dealing with Apathy : by Dr. De Leon

Scientists announced today that they have discovered a cure for apathy. However, they claim that no one has shown the slightest interest in it.” ~ George Carlin I hear the word apathy tossed around all over the place from different places and people who use this term loosely to imply “lack of interest,” or ‘deepContinue reading “Tips to dealing with Apathy : by Dr. De Leon”

Tips to Prevent and Treat Neck Pain Caused by PD & Dystonia: By Dr. De Leon

Tips to Prevent and Treat Neck Pain Caused by PD & Dystonia: By Dr. De Leon.

Tips to Prevent and Treat Neck Pain Caused by PD & Dystonia: By Dr. De Leon

” I got bone spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle.” ~ unknown Neck pain is an extremely common problem which afflicts all of us who suffer from Parkinson’s disease at one time or another. Also is a frequent source of disability for those who have cervical torticollis, and generalized dystonia independent of etiology. The cause in both cases is increaseContinue reading “Tips to Prevent and Treat Neck Pain Caused by PD & Dystonia: By Dr. De Leon”

Dyskinesias- 8 Tips to prevent & manage DYSKENESIAs: By Dr. De Leon

The things I have learned about dyskenesias in a nut shell. They are not a sign that you are having fun because you look like you are dancing even if they occur at the beat of   your favorite tune. yes, although most of the time you prefer over being off or stiff, you can’tContinue reading “Dyskinesias- 8 Tips to prevent & manage DYSKENESIAs: By Dr. De Leon”

I have Dystonia! Now, what? : by Dr. De Leon

First, dystonia which falls under the umbrella of the movement disorders diseases implies an abnormal contraction of the muscles that causes involuntary twisting resulting in abnormal postures. It can be painful. Some common known dystonia are writer’s cramp-a type of dystonia that occurs only while writing affecting the muscles of the hand and forearm. DystoniaContinue reading “I have Dystonia! Now, what? : by Dr. De Leon”